Echoes of Unity: Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum Date Unveiled by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese — A Historic Moment in Progress

referendum 2023

Referendum Date Announcement


The Indigenous voice referendum is set to take place on October 14th, confirmed by Anthony Albanese during a yes rally in Adelaide. The announcement was made alongside South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas in Elizabeth, Adelaide’s northern suburb. This marks Australia’s first referendum since 1999.

Albanese’s Address

Albanese addressed a supportive crowd of yes campaign backers in a packed theater, emphasizing that the idea for the Indigenous voice came from the people and will be determined by the people. He urged voters to support the concept, describing it as an idea whose time has come.

Campaign Strategies

The official date announcement will kick off an advertising push from both sides of the debate, along with increased community engagement through activities such as doorknocking and phone banks.

Numerous social organizations, including the Australian Council of Social Services, Liberals for Yes, trade unions, and Indigenous advocacy groups, expressed immediate support for the referendum announcement.

Albanese’s Advocacy


Albanese strongly advocated for the Indigenous voice, describing it as a committee of Indigenous Australians selected by their own community to provide government advice. He highlighted the referendum’s simplicity and potential benefits in terms of improved policies and more efficient spending.

Malinauskas’s Perspective

Peter Malinauskas, a supporter of the referendum, stressed the historical significance of the Indigenous voice, positioning it as part of a lineage of progressive reforms in South Australia.

Opposition Response

Opposition leader Peter Dutton promptly sent out a fundraising email to Liberal supporters, seeking donations to counter the yes campaign’s substantial backing. Shadow Indigenous Australians minister Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, leading the no campaign, expressed her stance on social media after the announcement.

Albanese’s Call to Action

Albanese urged citizens to educate themselves about the proposed change, engage with campaigners, and discuss the issue with friends and family. He encouraged unity in shaping the next chapter of Australia’s story.

Throughout the referendum period, both Albanese and government leaders, as well as key figures from the yes campaign like Noel Pearson and Megan Davis, will promote the Indigenous voice concept.

Electoral Commission’s Reminders

The Australian Electoral Commission reminded voters to register or update their details to be eligible to vote. Applications for postal voting will be available soon after the government issues the referendum writs, with electoral roll changes closing seven days later.”

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